Sending Mail in Liferay Programmatically

In the Previous blog we see how to we Configure mail in Liferay.In this blog we will see how to send mail programmatically . Sending mail in Liferay is very simple we just need to use MailServiceUtil class that is provided by Liferay .Here we Consider 3 Scenario:-

So lets start :-

Scenario 1:-Send Mail With Plain Text
Create a method in your class as:-


Here FromAddress should be same email address that is used in Configuration.


Scenario 2:-Send Mail With HTML Text
Create a method in your class as:-

Here we use two things:-

  • In mailMessage.setBody("") we use HTML tags.
  • And setHTMLFormat(true).


Note:-  If you setHTMLFormat(false) than mail is sent successfully but the HTML tags are print as normal Text.

Scenario 3:-Send Mail With Attachment
Create a method in your class as:-

Here we are using addition method addFileAttachment that take two arguments first is File object and second is Name that you want to given to attachment.


Hope this will Help....

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